Meet the Locals
Let’s introduce you to some of our more easily recognisable locals!
Red Fox
The red fox (above) is a wild member of the dog family famed for their cunning and stealth. They are not fussy eaters, happily feasting on small mammals, birds, frogs and worms as well as berries, fruit and bin scraps! Male foxes have a dog-like bark while females, called vixens, make a spine-chilling scream.
Todd’s Well woodland is one of their favourite haunts!
The buzzard has made an amazing comeback after years of persecution and pesticide poisoning. It’s now become the most widespread UK bird of prey. Buzzards are quite large with broad, dark-tipped wings and short tails. Listen out for their cat-like mewing call as they circle over woods and farmland.
The best places to catch sight of them is over the grasslands around Gartloch pools and Bishop Loch.
Peacock butterfly
Big, bold and beautiful. Look for these peacock butterflies in meadows and woodland glades from March to September. The peacock-feather-like eyespots on its wings confuse predators. Adults sip nectar from flowers with their long, curled tongue, while the caterpillars munch stinging nettles.
Find them fluttering around in Cardowan Moss and Gartcosh local nature reserve.
Roe deer
This slender, medium-sized deer has a distinctive black nose and white rump. Roe deer, like this one, are quite common at Seven Lochs. In May or June, the female (doe) gives birth to two or three white-spotted fawns. The male (buck) grows a new set of antlers, usually with three points, every year in November.
You might see them in the woodlands and fields around Drumpellier Country Park and even in Auchinlea Park.